Learning Goal: I’m working on a civil engineering multi-part question and need a

Learning Goal: I’m working on a civil engineering multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.A 325 MW electric power plant (37.1% efficient) uses a distillate fuel oil (C11H18O1N0.025,
124,500 BTU/gal, and density 7 lb/gal). Combustion occurs with 50% excess air. Assume
65% of fuel nitrogen converts to NO, and that fuel NO is 40% of total NO (the remainder being
thermal NO). Calculate a) the NO concentration (ppm) in the exhaust gas (dry basis, ignore
water formed) and b) the production of NO (lb/hr). (25 points)I NEED THE ANSWER IN PPM AND LB/HR, I DO NOT WANT KW.
Requirements: Long and lengthy   |   .doc file

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