Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and an

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Hi Everyone i need your help in assignment see the powerpoint first and what i want you to do in the paper is those part :we have already did the Power point and now the tome to do the assignment :1-Protests Against Globalization 2-3 pages2-United States 2-3 pages3-Peru 2-3 pages4- Final Assessment & Recommendations( 1-Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 2- Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility) 2-3 pagesInstructions :(double-spaced, 12 point font, not including exhibits). The paper should describe and evaluate the international business environment from the perspective of the firm selected. It should be able to apply ideas from the chapters and readings and should also draw analogies or point to dissimilarities with them. Finally, the paper should conclude with a discussion of insights and recommendations for the firm’s management of the international business environment. Papers are required to be fully referenced within the body of the paper and with a complete bibliography of sources. 2-3 pages for each partsee the file file attached for more instructions also the power point:
Requirements: 8p   |   .doc file

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