Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and an

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Answer the following questions relative to your IA Research Question. Please type your responses and submit in a Word or PDF document through Canvas.What is the name of the company you will investigate?What product or service does the business provide and to what market(s)? Think geographics, demographics, psychographics.What issue is the company facing?What is your research question?What are your potential sources of information? For example: the names and titles of your contacts within the organization as well as documents you might access.What types of primary research do you plan on conducting? (interviews, surveys, observations, etc.)What secondary research will you do to relate your question to broader themes and concepts?What business tools, theories and concepts will you be able to use to analyze the issue?What kind of data can you incorporate? (IBO loves to see numbers.)How does your question relate to GECCIS?List the chapters in the textbook that relate to your research question. Be specific. For example, if you’re talking about branding, that relates to 4.5.4 – Product Branding and Packaging. If you’re using Lewin’s Force Field Analysis, that relates to 1.7.3.

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