Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explana

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Task
1. Choose a company located in GCC and Explain and discuss how the GCC Charter (or
Agreement) is helping the to thrive (or maybe not) within that host country (UAE, or
Qatar or…etc.). Students are expected to provide three arguments, provide enough
details (from the Charter, other readings and from the company itself) and discuss them.
(25 Marks )
2. Explain the role of each GCC country in view of globalization. (25 marks)
3. Discuss the implications of the GCC agreements and globalization effect on the business
environment taking into consideration the Covid-19 pandemic. (15 marks )
4. Choose Company located in Oman, Explain and discuss how the is coping with the “burden
of Omanization”. Students should focus on three arguments to be explained in details and
discussed ( 20 Marks) Task 5: MOOC reflection
Students are requested to register for the MOOC from the given link. Students are expected to
write a reflection and provide evidence that you register the course, the short reflection should
cover all, the below points in form of paragraphs:
– Interesting aspect you found in regards of the online course
– Challenges/ problems faced & how did you overcome the same
– Your learnings from this research & how will you implement it in the future
Requirements: 2500

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