Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology project and need support to help me lear

Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology project and need support to help me learn.NOTE: I HAVE WROTE THE 1. discussion (1000 WORDS) + 2. INTRO AND METHOD + 3. HAVE THE GRAPHS FOR THE RESULT SECTION READY FOR YOU. IN conclusion U HAVE TO PUT THIS RESERCH TOGETHER Paper assignment: I will be looking at forming an argument, compiling a detailed methods section, managing and analyzing data (including graph making & statistical analyses), as well as drawing conclusions about your data and comparing them to previous literature in the discussion section. Components: Title page: Name of project, your name, name of affiliationAbstract. ~150 word summary of the paper. Note: Abbreviation list will go on the bottom of the abstract. Introduction: 600 word maximum. State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background. Make sure to point out the research question and experimental goal (or hypothesis if available). Minimum 3 references in the introduction. Methods: As long as it takes. Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Cite previous literature for experimental procedures!Results: 1 figure (minimum 1 graph) + caption. Written results should include discussion of inferential statistics. Discussion: 1000 word maximum. This should include a summary of your findings (in words), a comparison to previous literature, implications for the future, limitations/ confounds, a brief future direction, and a conclusion. The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion section.Minimum 3 references used in the discussion. References: A total of 5 (or more) scholarly articles must be included.
Requirements: MEET THE requirements

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