Learning Goal: I’m working on a architecture exercise and need an explanation an

Learning Goal: I’m working on a architecture exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Project ObjectivesTo research and gather information from literarysources common to the architectural field,including books, journals and videos held in librarycollections, to become familiar with a particulararchitectural project through its representation inpublished form, and to develop critical enquiry.Project PracticeYou will select one architectural work from theposted list.You are then to search for material on thisproject in the library and digest it. Don’t limityourself solely to books and journalsavailable through PSU… There’s a wealth ofother material available through Summit andInterLibrary Loan (ILL), as well as throughonline journal databases like Avery. Youshould edit and select appropriate visualmaterial (plans, sections, photos, etc.) andcreate a visual essay (approx. 1,000) thatreveals and discusses the manner in whichthis work does or does not respond to thethemes and ideas covered in the class lectures,readings and discussion topics.choose the citation style you prefer. NB:Wikipedia alone is NOT a valid academicsource. Spelling, grammar, coherence and clarityof thought are crucial to your success on thisassignment. Research about (Wieden+Kennedy Headquarters, Portland Oregon – designed by Allied Works)Research into the architecture/architectDistinct interest in the architecture/architectDetecting presence or absence of weekly themes: include some of these topics. Communicating Architecture, Responding to Topography and Climate, Bearing the Weight of Tradition, Incorporating the Primacy of Technology Responding to Fashion, Consumerism and Tourism and Popular Opinion.VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANTbuilding or architects mission,vision.. theme of actual building, eg modern .. is the building warm and inviting?other expectations in the essay:Critical inquiry into the architectureSelection of appropriate imagesSkillful use of images to enhance and support the narrative IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANTCoherence and clarity of thoughtSpelling and grammarUse of references and citationsWord count (+/- 100 words). Over the word count is acceptable.USE ARCHITECTUAL PHRASES, mention materials, stone.. steel.. concrete.. its method of construction-

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