INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore Canada by plan

The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore Canada by planning the ideal trip there. You are to design a two-week trip following the guidelines below. Figure out the practical details of how to get to the places you’ve chosen to visit, where to stay, where to travel while you’re there and how much the trip will cost. Whether or not you have ever planned a trip out of the United States, consider this an opportunity to decide where you would go and what you might do if the time and money became available. Plan your trip as if you were trying to convince someone else it would be a good trip to take – give details, make it seem interesting and fun. You can plan to go by yourself or with another person or persons. You can spend as much money as you want – go first class in everything – or you can plan a realistic trip that you might take next summer.
The paper is worth 100 points. You will be graded on the following: content (an original, creative, well-organized trip = 60 points), completeness, following instructions (completeness = 20 points), and clarity of expression (grammar, spelling, organization = 20 points).
USE THIS CHECKLIST. Turn in the following (see below for explanation of all these elements):
____1) one-page introduction
____2) map of the places you’ll visit
____3) travel itinerary with details
____4) detailed budget
____5) sources of your information.
Plan a trip to a place in Canada you have never been. Do not use a pre-planned trip, a study abroad trip, a package trip, or a trip planned through one of your other classes. Plan your own, custom trip.
Plan a two-weektrip. You can spend your entire two weeks in a single city or a few different places.
INTRODUCTION. Write an introductionof about one page, typed, double-spaced, in which you explain why you chose the places you did—why are these places important or interesting to you? Why do they appeal as travel destinations? NOTE: One page does not mean half a page. The Introduction does NOT include your itinerary.
TRAVEL MAP. Find a map online that shows the places you will visit on your trip. Clearly mark all the places you will visit on the map. If a place is so small it is not included on the map you find, find out where it is and mark its location based on the information you have found about your destinations.
ITINERARY. Determine how you will get to there(fly, drive, sail, etc.). Find actual times and priceson one of the many travel planning websites on the internet. For example: (Links to an external site.), (Links to an external site.), (Links to an external site.), to name but a few. Include a descriiption of how you will travel around the country and where you will stay (hotels, B&Bs, hostels, couchsurfing, or wherever).
Develop a detailed itinerary of your activities for the two weeks, including details about the places you’ll visit. You can do this by listing each day’s activities (days 1 through 14) in a bulleted list, by using a calendar, or however makes the most sense to you. It should not, however, be in narrative form in paragraphs. You do not need to list activities in minute-by-minute detail, but do list the activities and destinations you plan for each day of your trip.
Do not lump days together saying you will be shopping for three days, or hanging out on the beach for a week, or describe your travel as sightseeing. Describe what you will see as you go sightseeing, or where you will go to shop. Be specific, provide details.
I know some people like to travel without plans, but the purpose of this trip is for you to become familiar with a place/places and to find what is interesting to see there, so draw up an itinerary! Include the places and sites you’ll visit each day of your two week trip. If you have questions about how to construct an itinerary, check some of the travel websites you’ll find in abundance on the internet. Do not use one of them for your trip – make up your own trip the way you would want to do it.
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS. Most countries require a passport for entry; some also require a tourist visa. Make a list of the travel documents you will need to acquire to travel to your chosen countries: (Links to an external site.). If no documents are required, MAKE A NOTE OF THAT FACT BECAUSE YOU FOUND THAT INFORMATION ON THE STATE DEPARTMENT WEBSITE.
Make a list of required vaccinations and any other health concerns you will have to deal with: (Links to an external site.), (Links to an external site.). If no vaccinations are required, MAKE A NOTE THAT YOU LOOKED AT THE CDC AND/OR THE STATE DEPARTMENT TO FIND THAT FACT.
Check the travel warnings web site of the US State Department for any travelers’ advisories you should be aware of before you go: (Links to an external site.). Travelers’ advisories include warnings of things like possible terrorist activities, but also of crime and other dangers. If the State Department lists no warnings, MAKE A NOTE OF THAT FACT.
Do not print out pages of internet sites. Collect what is relevant to your trip and put the information into a format appropriate for your paper – that is, write in your own words the answers to the questions asked here.
BUDGET. Create a budget of trip costs and be sure to include a grand total. Find actual costsfor as many parts of your trip as you can. Be sure to include transportation, lodging, food, entertainment, traveler’s insurance, souvenirs, shopping, and any other likely costs you think of. List costs for each category as they apply to your trip and add them all up for a total cost for your entire trip. If you want to go first class everywhere, that’s fine. But find out how much that will cost. If you want to be realistic and plan a trip you might actually take sometime soon, that’s fine too.
Find a sample budget worksheet on the course website in the assignments tab where the submission link is posted. You can print the worksheet and use it, or create your own similar worksheet. Use a currency converter (see URLs below) to list your costs in US dollars.
SOURCES. Include a list of all the sources you use to plan your trip. Citing your sources is an important part of any paper you write for a class or other purposes. Cite your sources properly (check this website for examples of how to do this: (Links to an external site.)). Listing a URL as I’ve done below is not the proper way to cite sources for a paper.
A few useful internet sites for preparing this paper. You can find much more information by doing your own search. (Links to an external site.) (currency converter) (Links to an external site.) (currency converter) (Links to an external site.) (travel tips for adventure travel) (Links to an external site.) (ecotours – tours to natural places, traveling with minimal environmental impact) (Links to an external site.) (maps)

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