incorporate examples, concepts and or explained quotes from EACH text Paper set

incorporate examples, concepts and or explained quotes from EACH text
Paper set up headings and questions to be answered in each
Globalization throughout History
Explain the process and different stages of globalization throughout history. What arguments are the authors emphasizing and in your own words describe 2 concepts that have been introduced.
Relation to 2015 NPR article
Language matters. Words are important. “If you want to care for something, you call it a ‘flower;’ if you want to kill something, you call it a ‘weed.’” William White
How does this quote connect to the 2015 NPR article? In what ways has language and chooseing different words impacted you?
Significance of Tracking Global Flows
Select 3 of the snapshots from Tracking Global Flows, why are these most impactful to YOU? How do they connect to the Periodizing Globalization article?
link to article 1
article 2 is attached

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