I need you to answer this prompt, “What does Bede say about the kind of structur

I need you to answer this prompt, “What does Bede say about the kind of structure Gregory the Great envisions for the Church in England? How is it related to the Church in France? What kind of a Church is Gregory trying to build?” The main goal of this paper is the ability to closely read ancient texts and construct an argument while remaining attentive to the particularities of the time and place where the work was written I will attach a revised copy of Gregory the greats dialogues and Bedes ecclesiastic History these are the copies that should be used and quoted from. That being said please range all over Gregory the greats dialogues and Bedes ecclesiastic History. Please cite only the texts I attach. This paper needs to be 750 words minimum.
Citations should look like (Bede 139) and (Gregory I 131)

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