I am supposed to write a paper about applying Digital Transformation in Kuwait F

I am supposed to write a paper about applying Digital Transformation in Kuwait Finance House which is a Banking establishment WWW.KFH.COM. My idea is to apply Cloud-based Technology to the operations department. This way the client is to experience a self-service product which is an application that provides applying to a Sharia’ Compliant loans because it is an Islamic bank. it also enables customers to create standing orders locally and from other banks. it basically serves as an options to mitigate the pressure that the operations department is facing with the many transactions that is needed to be done daily as well as mitigating the pressure of crowd in the branches. The cloud application has artificial intelligence enabling the customer to know how much is he/she is eligible to take a loan from the bank because data like customers liabilities and salary amount is available and can provide these calculations for them once they enter the category of loans. in addition, the application can identify what products are suitable for the client because, again, it has artificial intelligence that makes it know what are the options or best products that customers can benefit from. The application is also linked to governmental ministries that will allow the customers to know what kind of documents needed from the bank when a customer is trying to do governmental errands; for example, the government of Kuwait give married Kuwaiti citizens rent allowance and these citizens need to update their profile every two years to keep having the rent allowance and an iban document is needed from the bank to continue the profile update; because the cloud system is linked with government ministries, it automatically provides the documents needed to do the profile update through the cloud application.
I will attach the instructions photo in the attachment and i wrote the business challenges i am trying to solve through Digital Transformation and below is what I wrote and it might give you a better understanding of what i am trying to do.
The challenges that KFH is facing is the bureaucratic processes of operational transactions. KFH is one of the biggest banking organizations in Kuwait with the most credible Islamic compliance financing. The official Mufti, Waleed AlTabtabaie, of Kuwait is the head of the Sharia’ department in KFH; this serves as a competitive advantage for KFH amongst Sharia’ compliance banks domestically. KFH also offers approximately 65 branches all over Kuwait, this attracts customers do subscribe to KFH having multiple and accessible branches next to where they live.
The operations department is the department responsible to any transactions either debited or credited in the clients’ accounts. This includes a variation of centralized procedures taking place in the operations departments. There is the branches operations department that includes numerous types of works that branches employees send, on customer requests, to them on a daily basis. There is the Salaries department that includes the processing of all the customers’ salaries from their work places either governmental or private sectors. There is the clearing department that covers the checking of all the other banks’ cheques processed from all the branches. There is the SWIFT department that manages the SWIFT transactions made from all the channels that provide SWIFT transfers. The Remittence department manages all the money transfers to KFH from all stakeholders. There is the Transactions Auditing Services that manages the transactions made by the employees to ensure the viability of the transactions made. The After-Sales department monitors the Sharia’ Compliance loans made by the customers form the branches and Direct-Sales departments to ensure the eligibility of the customer to have the loans.
All of the mentioned departments have a strict service level to ensure good service quality for a better experience for the customer. This results to increasing the number of employees for a better service quality; hence, increase cost on KFH. In addition, the large amount of daily transactions can leave a lot of room for error made by employees; this can increase operational losses as a result of mistakes done by employees. Crisis like Covid-19 affect the smoothness of the operations transactions. processing of physical cheques can be affected heavily if curfews take place. This will affect not only the quality of services but also the customers in a negative way.
Outcome of Digital Transformation
Incorporating Cloud-based technology in the Operations Department can be a way to apply Digital Transformation. Enabling cloud to be available for customers to manage their financial services

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