Final Report: Final Submission Based on the feedback you’ve received so far from

Final Report: Final Submission
Based on the feedback you’ve received so far from the instructor and your peers, please submit your final project below.
❋ Please remember that the final submission needs to include:
➞ The innovation report: 5-7 pages maximum, excluding bibliography
➞ A video where you present your idea: 5 minutes maximum
Individually, you will imagine a future scenario that improves upon one or more of the current structures and systems in fashion FOR ONE BRAND. You will develop an intervention that disrupts the current way of doing things; changes viewpoints; and improves upon existing models within the industry.
After selecting your brand and identifying your “problem”, you will be expected to research the brand and its context in depth and to produce an an illustrated PDF report that:
1. Introduces and defines the topic in general
2. Explains and evaluates the overall relationship of the topic to the contemporary fashion industry
3. Presents three relevant case studies that demonstrate your thesis or parts of your thesis (how this has been used by a fashion brand).
– Approximately 7 pages of double-spaced text (exclusive of footnotes, bibliography, and illustrations) in a commonly used academic font, such as Times New Roman 12 pt.
– A strong, arguable thesis that is sustained and complicated throughout the body of the paper. Example: how a good strategy for supply chain should support sustainability goals (vendor consolidation, risk management, time to market, etc)
– A title, introduction, and conclusion.
– Strong topic sentences that demonstrate a logical progression of ideas and advance the paper’s argument.
– Citation of all primary and secondary sources, whether summarized, paraphrased, or directly quoted.
– Properly formatted footnotes following the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
– A properly formatted bibliography of works cited following the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
– Relevant illustrations using proper captions, with properly formatted references to these illustrations in the body of the text.
Grading: 100 points total, allocated as follows:
1. Thesis & Topic (Originality, depth of research and arguability): 50 points
2. Quality and depth of research: 25 points
3. Professionalism of presentation: clarity of presentation (on paper), clarity of exposition, relevance to overall fashion context, quality of visual output: 25 points
Final presentation (Video Submission): Individually, you will be expected to verbally pitch your ideas supporting your cases with additional visual aides, videos, marketing collateral, samples or handouts in a pre-recorded video to be uploaded in a Canvas discussion forum so that it can be viewed by the entire class.
Grading: 100 points total, allocated as follows:
– Clarity of exposition: 30
– Professionalism of presentation (quality of visuals, time management, engagement): 30 points
– Originality: 40 points

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