Explore the World Health Organization data maps about nutrition-related risk fac

Explore the World Health Organization data maps about nutrition-related risk factors for non-communicable diseases: 1) Prevalence of raised fasting blood glucose ( https://gamapserver.who.int/gho/interactive_charts/ncd/risk_factors/blood_glucose_prevalence/atlas.html ) 2) Mean Body Mass Index ( https://gamapserver.who.int/gho/interactive_charts/ncd/risk_factors/bmi/atlas.html ) Spend some time exploring the data. Make sure to use the time animation function at the bottom to look at trends over time for each parameter. You can also click on the ‘view by sex/year’ button on the top left to assess data by year or by sex. By hovering over each country on the map or over the histogram, you can explore the data by country. Also, read the summary of the 2020 Global report on food crises( https://www.fsinplatform.org/sites/default/files/resources/files/GRFC_2020_KM_200420.pdf ) and the Five takeaways about preventing a food catastrophe during the COVID19 pandemic ( http://www.fightfoodcrises.net/fileadmin/user_upload/fightfoodcrises/doc/GN_KeyMessages_FoodCrises_Covid19.pdf ) After you’re done exploring, in at least 200 words (check the rubric for more details on grading) discuss: 1) Which specific data you looked at in the WHO maps; 2) What those data indicate; 3) Any findings that surprised you from the WHO maps; 4) How can we make sense of the two sides of the nutrition crisis, excessive calories leading to obesity and diabetes together with food crises and insecurity. Avoid inserting extensive quotes from the articles to reach your word limit. If you choose to insert quotes, you must clearly label them as quotes. Any quote will be excluded from the total essay word count . The assignment is due by end of the day on Monday, November 29.

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