Effective and inspiring leaders have a personal philosophy of leadership that gu

Effective and inspiring leaders have a personal philosophy of leadership that guides their thinking, decision-making, goal setting, and interactions with others.
In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to consider the assessments and reflections you have completed in prior topics, conduct research on leadership styles, and begin the process of developing your own philosophy as an emerging leader in the field of education. The philosophy you create will change over the course of your program as you learn, practice, and develop your skills as a leader.
Using the textbook as a starting point, research these three major styles of leadership: transactional, transformational, and servant. Find at least one additional scholarly source for each leadership style. After reviewing the information on each, create a 750-1,000 word draft leadership philosophy that presents your emerging personal leadership style and philosophy.
In this draft, include statements in each of the following areas:
An explanation of your personal values and beliefs that drive your thinking, decision-making, goal setting, and interactions with others.
The leadership style (or combination of styles) from the three you researched for this assignment that most closely aligns with your values and beliefs.
How you will act with integrity and fairness to ensure a school system of accountability for every student’s academic and social success.
How your philosophy is an emerging model of effective and inspirational leadership.
Support your essay with 3-5 scholarly articles.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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