DATA HANDLING TASK 4: QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS • Select some qualitative data from y

• Select some qualitative data from your school context. This could be the respondents to the questionnaire you designed for Task 2, but it could also be an interview or other data collection method if you prefer. If you choose school data that is relevant to your final assignment you can use this analysis as part of your submission at the end of the module, if you wish.
• Use the coding approach outlined in this document and the reading to carry out an analysis of the data.
• Draw the main conclusions that this data allows.
• Identify at least one area of follow up data collection that this source suggests would
be of value.
• Select a suitable data presentation approach to display at least one important aspect
of this data.
• Upload your coded raw data, the main conclusions, at least one area of follow up
data collection, and your chosen data display.
• This material should be combined into a single document for uploading. It can take
any format; formal referencing is not required but please credit sources as necessary to ensure you avoid plagiarism. Bullet points or hand written notes are acceptable. Please ensure that any scanned images are large enough that the text is clearly legible on screen.
• This task is equivalent to an academic assignment of 300 words – the emphasis is not on length but on the quality of your thinking and the development of your skills.

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