Cross examinations are used to challenge information in an expert witness report

Cross examinations are used to challenge information in an expert witness report since experts try to frame their reports in the most favorable way to support the side (prosecution or defense) for whom they wrote their report. Six-month-old Cara O’Neil died from a mysterious head injury. Her Stepfather Stephen Donaldson, was charged with murder in the second degree, but he claims he did nothing more than comfort and care for her after she fell out of her crib days before her death. After reviewing Dr. Masters’ autopsy report and testimony, compose two cross examination questions that you believe would help the defense in trying to create reasonable doubt. Discuss why you chose those questions and how those questions would help the defense. After reviewing Dr. Gilbert’s expert witness report, compose two cross examination questions that would help the prosecution reduce the impact of his report. Discuss why you chose those questions and how those questions would assist the prosecution.
The writer should inform me of the questions they come up with.

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