Chose one of the two prompts listed below to answer and write a detailed respons

Chose one of the two prompts listed below to answer and write a detailed response. The format is a 5 paragraph essay. it must include; clear thesis statement and three key points with one direct quote each from the text (please provide page numbers).
here are two of the prompts; you can choose which you believe would be a better essay
Prompt 1;
By the close of the novel, all signs seem to suggest that junior will leave the reservation for good. Why does junior succeed at this where others do not and is the root of his success internal or external? If you believe that it is both, you can make that argument.
Prompt 2:
Define the genre of Bildungsroman and discuss how this genre applies to The Absolutely True Diary o a Part-Time Indian. Consider the character of Junior when we first meet him as a reader in Chapter 1. In what ways does Junior ‘come of age’ in the narrative? How is Junior changed at the end of the story?

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