Capstone Paper: Write a paper of approximately 900 words on a theme of your own

Write a paper of approximately 900 words on a theme of your own choosing
that you found of great interest in the course. Draw upon the readings,
videos, discussions, and reading responses.
Listed below will be one of the themes that could be written about.
The Self: Existentialism versus
This week explores the limits and scope of the
human experience through the notion of human nature. It asks the basic question
as to whether our nature as humans bestowed upon us by a creator, determined by
the laws of nature, or created by us through our decisions and actions.
To be able to distinguish between the various
interpretations of the human experience in relation to a human nature.
Explain the analogy of the
avocado and the artichoke. Provide a summary of essentialism and existentialism
and a statement as to how each relates to the analogy

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