ALL questions require you to speak about one local/national or global issue your

ALL questions require you to speak about one local/national or global issue your learned about in the class. BUT in each with a different methodology or example.
E ACH response to be no more than three paragraphs
1. 10 Points: In a reflection, please address the political AND the societal context of a local, regional, national and/or global problem. Please use specific references to historical, economic, sociological, and/or political theories, events, and/or understandings. Suggestions include using at least three paragraphs with specific main ideas with supporting evidence.
EXPLANATION: Speak about a local, national or global issue that you learned about in class. Speak to what you learned about it and how it informed your understanding of that topic/issue. Please substantiate your response with facts/data and references.
2. 10 Points: In a reflection, please address the collaborative design and implementation of an action plan to address a civic problem that you engaged in for the class. Please use specific aspects of the collaboration and the design of the action plan. You will want to address the implementation of an action plan to address the civic problem you engaged in class.
EXPLANATION: Speak about a local, national or global issue that you ALL learned in class as a GROUP and then how you brought your group learning into a collaborative design by creating and presenting a group power point to showcase and explain how that collaborative design informed you in the understanding of that topic/topics/issues.
3. 10 Points: In a reflection, please evaluate your action plan specifically. This evaluation should include at least four results of the action plan. (two individual, two societal). Your evaluation should include a comprehensive recounting and analysis of the issues, problems, and future directions of your civic engagement.
EXPLANATION: Speak about a local, national or global issue taught in the class that you learned more deeply about through your CIVIC SERVICE/ENGAGEMENT activity. Speak to what you learned about it and how it informed your understanding of that topic/issue as a result of doing that specific Civic Service.

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