A work based activity that promote the right of the child.Provision to promote t

A work based activity that promote the right of the child.Provision to promote the rights of the child and to be kept and protected at work place. Work place is NHS, Babies and Mothers , prenatal care
• Evaluate ,, implement, moral and legal rights.how does the work place, protect and make children voice to be heard. The activity is play , to help babies to have bound with mothers who are suffering from mental health problem; These is work based practice.
• The work place is parental babies and mothers NHS
• Consider in practice how your setting promotes CYP rights?
• What strategies are in place to embed rights in practice
• Note the many ways rights are embedded
• How will your SWOT inform your activity/work-based practice provision
SWOT Means : Strength, weakness, Opportunities and
treats. the professional involve to promote the rights of the child is: O.T, Nurse, Nosing assistant nursery nurse, play specialist and doctors padiatra . to safe guide children,

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