1. The power of memory and hope are both wonderful things, yet very destructive

1. The power of memory and hope are both wonderful things, yet very destructive at the same time. In Fences and A Midsummer Night’s Dream both are on full display. All of the main characters in these plays are lost in either memories of the past or in a dream world of their own making. None of them are satisfied people. Compare or contrast the dreams in these two plays. How are they similar? How are they different? What role do the memories of the characters play? Are the dreamers in these plays pathetic or can you sympathize with them? 2. In Young Goodman Brown (p.611) we have the portrait of a man losing his faith. In fact, he is in danger of losing his wife Faith. Examine the short story using the almost limitless supply of parable and symbolism that Hawthorne provides. Briefly explain what the author is trying to teach the reader of the story. Is what happened a dream or a real event? What causes the change in Goodman Brown? In what ways is this story an indictment of Puritan attitudes? 3. Compare two poems from the book and discuss how they are similar thematically. In what ways are they similar even if they are from different time periods? What themes are discussed by the author? Ex. Marriage, love, death. Include any other factors you wish to compare such as rhyme scheme, alliteration, etc. Choose two of the above and write about one page per prompt.

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