1 essay of 2 topics total. 4-6 pages double spaced. 1st topic: What does “the ri

1 essay of 2 topics total. 4-6 pages double spaced.
1st topic: What does “the right to vote” mean in the United States? Where does that right come from and how has it evolved over time? Write a 2-3 page essay in which you use the course materials to explore this question by thinking about the historical context of disenfranchisement and the movement for voting rights. This question is meant to be cumulative and comprehensive, so spend some time looking at the materials from the several modules that relate to voting, and be creative in the construction of the story you’re telling. Be sure to include at least 4 texts in your answer by referring to them directly (by which I mean use brief quotes). Your GL textbook counts as ONE of the four sources but my lectures do not need to be cited (you can of course use Aptheker’s lecture). Information from my lectures should be referenced in a general sense without a citation.
2nd topic:
Compare and contrast the theories and practices of two authors in this course whose writing is central to understanding the history of social movements. You might choose to focus, for example, on the writing of Frederick Douglass, Dr. King, and/or Malcolm X, although you are certainly not limited to those choices. You should cite a minimum of 3 texts from this course in your answer and your answer should be 2-3 double spaced pages. What key ideas informed their strategies and what were the goals of the movement? What themes emerge from their writing? As you compare and contrast the ideas of two writers using 3 sources, focus on what you found interesting and what you want to remember from this class.
IMPORTANT: use only source from book below
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