1. Background/overview of what happened. 2. What caused the collapse of Enron? 3

1. Background/overview of what happened.
2. What caused the collapse of Enron?
3. What party(ies) (aka specifc individuals, specific companies/firms, specific government agencies/officials) were responsible for causing the collapse of Enron? How were they responsible?
4. What ethical misconduct did these individuals and/or entities engage in that caused the collapse of Enron?
5. What sphere(s) of sustainability (economic, environmental and/or social) would you place the collapse of Enron in and why?
6.Which groups of stakeholders (both internal and external) were impacted and how?
7 How could the collapse of Enron been prevented and how can a similar catastrophe be prevented in the future?
10 – 20 pages
Time New Roman 12

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