Digital marketing refers to the practice of promoting and selling products or se

Digital marketing refers to the practice of promoting and selling products or services using online channels and digital technologies. It encompasses a wide range of tactics and strategies aimed at reaching and engaging with target audiences through various digital platforms such as search engines, social media, email, websites, and mobile apps. Digital marketing has become increasingly important in today’s interconnected world as more people spend time online and businesses seek effective ways to connect with their customers in the digital space.
Here’s a brief introduction to some key components of digital marketing:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO involves optimizing your website and online content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. By improving your website’s visibility in search engines like Google, you can attract more organic (unpaid) traffic to your site.
Content Marketing: Content marketing focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a specific audience. This content can take various forms, including blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, ebooks, and more. The goal is to provide useful information to your target audience while subtly promoting your products or services.
Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing involves using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and drive engagement and traffic. This can include posting regular updates, sharing content, running ads, and engaging with followers.
Email Marketing: Email marketing involves sending targeted emails to prospects and customers to promote your products or services, build relationships, and drive sales. Effective email marketing campaigns often include personalized content, segmentation, automation, and tracking of key metrics such as open rates and click-through rates.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): PPC advertising allows businesses to display ads on search engines and other platforms and pay a fee each time a user clicks on their ad. Platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising platforms offer sophisticated targeting options to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing involves partnering with other businesses or individuals (affiliates) who promote your products or services in exchange for a commission for each sale or lead generated through their efforts. It’s a performance-based marketing strategy where you only pay for actual results.
Analytics and Data-driven Insights: Digital marketing relies heavily on data and analytics to measure the performance of campaigns, track user behavior, and make informed decisions. Tools like Google Analytics provide valuable insights into website traffic, user engagement, conversion rates, and more, helping businesses optimize their digital marketing efforts for better results.
Overall, digital marketing offers businesses a powerful set of tools and techniques to reach their target audiences, drive traffic, generate leads, and ultimately increase sales and revenue in today’s increasingly digital world. However, it’s important to continuously adapt and evolve strategies based on changing consumer behavior, technology trends, and algorithm updates to stay ahead in the digital landscape.

For this portfolio project, you will choose three non-digital memes that have so

For this portfolio project, you will choose three non-digital memes that have something in common. They might come from the same culture (and express something essential to that culture), they might be from different cultures but are used in similar ways, they might share a unique form, or they might have evolved or traveled in similar ways. Once you choose your three memes you will put together a digital portfolio. The portfolio will:
Present the memes clearly;
Explain in writing why each meme was chosen and why it is important;
Explain in writing what the three memes have in common;
Explain in writing what they mean for their culture(s) and how they evolved;
The written portion of the portfolio should be within 10% of 500 words.
Portfolios are submitted digitally and should include:
Clear presentation of the memes (visually or with links to other modalities);
Clear background/descriiption of the memes (as described above);
Other helpful supporting information as needed, such as diagrams.

In that, you’re expected to develop an analysis of the relationship between cons

In that, you’re expected to develop an analysis of the relationship between consumerism and advertising. You should discuss and present your ideas about that relationship, relying on the course material and classroom discussions.
You can access Jean Baudrillard’s book, The Consumer Society: Myth and Structures, via the link:
The following concepts might be useful for such an analysis: sign, signifier, signified, symbols, media, consumerism, advertising, symbolic fetishism, reality, real, hyperreal, imaginary (please resort to the related course material on Learn.)
You may use ad examples to enhance your arguments.
Formal rules: 750-1000 words, double space, block paragraphs, Times New Roman, 12 punto.
Important Note: Please avoid any kind of plagiarism, including AI-generated content, and remember that Turnitin has an AI detector

In that, you’re expected to develop an analysis of the relationship between cons

In that, you’re expected to develop an analysis of the relationship between consumerism and advertising. You should discuss and present your ideas about that relationship, relying on the course material and classroom discussions.
You can access Jean Baudrillard’s book, The Consumer Society: Myth and Structures, via the link:
The following concepts might be useful for such an analysis: sign, signifier, signified, symbols, media, consumerism, advertising, symbolic fetishism, reality, real, hyperreal, imaginary (please resort to the related course material on Learn.)
You may use ad examples to enhance your arguments.
Formal rules: 750-1000 words, double space, block paragraphs, Times New Roman, 12 punto.
Important Note: Please avoid any kind of plagiarism, including AI-generated content, and remember that Turnitin has an AI detector!

Read the Harvard Business Review case titled, “Should We Embrace Crypto?” found

Read the Harvard Business Review case titled, “Should We Embrace Crypto?” found at this link:
case study.
After reading the case, respond to the following questions
1. Who are the major actors in this case?
2. What is the issue? Describe it in a simple sentence or two.
3. Make an argument in favor of accepting Bitcoin.
4. Make an argument against accepting and holding Bitcoin.
5. Finally, what do you think Aniket and Ivory Tower should do regarding Bitcoin?

Your writing style is quite difficult to read and understand, several really imp

Your writing style is quite difficult to read and understand, several really important sections (including your conclusion) contain grammatical errors that leave the reader questioning their meaning. Several key sections of your work fall well short of the expected levels of academic rigour and depth of analysis required to secure a postgraduate degree. Your comments regarding sampling, validation and reliability in particular do not come close to justifying your work.
The whole section on Tokenistic Advertising Efforts has clearly been taken from someone else’s work and is included without citation.
Your referencing is inconsistent and does not fully reflect the academic standards requested.

How to improve:
Make sure you have a good appreciation of what is expected of a postgraduate student, make full use of all the resources and support available, ask questions and act on the feedback provided.
listed many theories without explaining the relevance of these theories to your research objectives. It seems that you randomly listed some theories.
Your research cannot be considered a mixed method. There are no proper statistical analyses, such as regression or correlation analysis. You didn’t use an appropriate qualitative research method to analyse your qualitative part. Indicating percentage is not considered as proper data analysis.
Some of your in-text citations are incorrect.
How to improve:
You should check the assignment briefing again and follow the suggested structure. This is not a report, this is a dissertation. You should use your findings to meet your objectives.

The focus of this assignment is based on articles and readings on Internet adver

The focus of this assignment is based on articles and readings on Internet advertising. Based on the information you have reviewed as well as your own personal research, identify the key effects of Internet technology on commercial advertising as we know it today. Support each of your identified effects, whether they be positive or negative outcomes, with substantial thought and discussion, citing the appropriate sources for your rationale. Keep in mind that “personal research” is research you have gathered outside of the articles and information provided to you.

TOPIC: Impact of Emotional Appeals in Advertising: Explore how emotional appeals

TOPIC: Impact of Emotional Appeals in Advertising: Explore how emotional appeals (such as humor, fear, nostalgia) in advertisements influence consumer attitudes, intentions, and purchasing behavior.
This assignment requires you to (1) select a research topic and (2) design a quantitative study experiment or survey that enhances the current state of knowledge on the topic. You’ll need to generate a typed
document that to lows the instrictions provices below
1. Topic of Study: As a first step, select a topic that is both interesting to you and important to society, industry, or both. Notably, your research topic can relate to society generally (e.g. “Why do parents choose not to vaccinate their children?”) or to advertising/public relations/media design specifically (e.g.. “Do consumers like green advertising?”). Note that you need to both select a general topic of interest and pursue a specific research question within that broader topical body. In other words, in this section you should state a specific research question. It is important that you are interested in your research topic and question!
This section should be between 50 and 150 words.
Note: Given the subject matter of the class, your topic should deal with how people think, feel, or act. For instance, pretend that you’re interested in learning about consumer attitudes toward the so-called “metaverse” (details here: Your research question could take on any number of forms, but it should be specifically focus on a specific stakeholder group. An inappropriate question (for example) would be: What are the defining characteristics of the metaverse? An appropriate question (for example would be: Are American Internet users concerned that the metaverse will have adverse privacy implications?
2. Importance of Topic and Background: After selecting a research topic, you should describe why. exactly. your topic is important to learn more about. You should also provide any/all important background details. As discussed above, your topic can pertain to a broader social issue or an issue that is specifically important to the practice of strategic communication. When describing your topic’s importance, you are required to cite five or more scholarly or syndicated research sources.
Make sure that you properly and carefully cite all the sources that you use. This means that you should provide an in-text note that you are citing a piece of exteral research. In-text citations should include the source name and year the information was published (e.g., eMarketer,
2019). This section should be between 400 and 800 words.

Note: You can use as many journalistic sources as you’d like.
However, to get full points on the assignment, you’ll need to use/cite at least five scholarly and/or syndicated research sources.
3. Survey or Experiment? After describing your research topic, you should describe whether you will investigate your topic using a survey or an experiment. Your study should rely on/use self-report data. It is important that you provide a rationale for your choice of method here. You should also offer brief description of the population you are interested in learing about, and any sampling techniques you intend to apply. This section should be between 150 and 250 words.
4. Description of Variables: In this section, you should describe the variables that are especially/most important to your study. Be sure to label any independent and dependent variables. This section should be between 100 and 200 words
5. Participant Experience: In this section, describe how participants will experience your study. In other words, steps will she/he be taken through if they agree to participate in your study? This can be as simple as “Step One: Participant will be randomly assigned to an experimental group; Step 2: Participant will read a short description of the study; .. “. This section should be between 150 and 300 words.
6. Questionnaire Items: In this section, provide a list of the questions that you will use in your study. This section should include the questions you will use to measure your variables of interest and any demographic information you intend to collect. Make sure to list all response categories associated with each question. For each question, provide a one-sentence rationale. You should write between 5 and 10 questions.
This section should be between 150 and 400 words.
7. Sources Cited Page: You should have a page that provides information for the sources you used when writing your paper. This page does not have a word limit. Your citations should take on the following format:
Author last name, author first initial. (year published). Title of research document. Name of source. Hyperlink (if appropriate).