Find a bloodstain case, likely from the media, and do as much research on it as

Find a bloodstain case, likely from the media, and do as much research on it as possible. You will need to get specifics about the bloodstain pattern analysis work and its role in the case. You will not get the actual reports of course, but you will need enough research, with enough depth, to know how BPA is related to the case and what role it played in the outcome. Find out what the arguments were for and against and pull out the specifics of the work from what you can research. This is an analysis of a case and what was performed in terms of the Bloodstain Pattern Analysis work.
Most of the cases you will find will be about one side finding an expert witness that supports their theory which probably sounds crazy or someone is saying something really absurd, the other side who is almost exactly the opposite, and likely one side or both possibly employing shoddy science or no science and just making claims that are really unsupported. In your paper, if you can get a good case with different versions of events from different experts see what you can relate to current practices as researched using,, and

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