Please see attached ASSIGNMENT TASK.doc with instructions and a few ideas from m

Please see attached ASSIGNMENT TASK.doc with instructions and a few ideas from me of the subject. Also attached is other students research plans for idea.
Please make a research plan using the following steps:
✔ Select a starting point somewhere within the research process.
✔ Create a plan – perhaps in note form or bullet points – outlining the steps or route you could take to get from your starting point to a research question.
The research area is broadly ‘short form film & video’, which could include (but not necessarily be limited to) trailers, ads, promos, Instagram reels, Tik-Toks, Youtube content.
Remember: We are making a research plan only – you don’t have to do the research.
Top tip: Be as SPECIFIC as possible in what you write for your plan. For example, don’t just write generally about ‘Youtube videos’, write down exactly which Youtube videos you’re thinking of, and include URLs if you can.

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