Please provide a strategic recommendation for Southwest Airlines. You may use al

Please provide a strategic recommendation for Southwest Airlines. You may use all publicly available information to determine your answer.
Conduct your own research using any public resources you wish. All sources must be cited appropriately. All work must be your own. Unattributed sources or writing that is not your own will result in a zero grade.
Use of the SWOT template is strictly required. Retain all headings and sections.
Use the information and analysis in the previously finished assignment “Southwest step1234 “, make sure this case study is coherent with the previous assignment.
The quality of your answer will depend on the quality of your research. Be sure to consult quality sources.
The “Strategy Analysis Template” (in the attachment) provides the REQUIRED structure for the answer and should be followed as closely as possible. The list of references is not included in this page limit. 12 point font is required, single-spaced formatting is acceptable.
****Be sure to account for all relevant development in the external and internal environments. You MUST answer the following questions using the SWOT template provided.
Conduct a full Internal and External analysis to try to identify the core competence of Southwest Airlines. If you do identify a core competence be sure to provide full justification. (200 marks)
Identify any gaps in SWOT coverage and rank their level of importance (50 marks)
What strategy should Southwest pursue and what capabilities are needed to pursue this? (50 marks)
How should they develop any new capabilities that are needed? (100 marks)

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