With regard to crime in general we find ourselves weighing the need to ensure pu

With regard to crime in general we find ourselves weighing the need to ensure public order and protection of the community while recognizing that offenders should not be considered a lost cause. We sometimes seek to rehabilitate, rather than incapacitate, offenders. The same can be said with regard to serial killers. The argument has been made that serial killers are psychopaths/sociopaths acting out of some innate factor that has inadvertently resulted in their killings. In turn, treatment programs in which those identified as killers or potential killers could be devised to aid them in efforts to satiate their drive for killing. In juxtaposition, some would propose the argument that serial killers are beyond rehabilitation and society must be protected from them at all costs—consider the notions expressed by Americans concerning their fears after Ted Bundy escaped.
In this assignment you are to take a stance—is therapy useful in rehabilitating serial killers or are they a lost cause too dangerous to be left in public? If you elect to rehabilitate the offender, you must give due consideration to the fundamental notions of justice expressed or precluded by this stance, costs of such practices, the proven effectiveness of them, and how you would mitigate the dangers of and by recidivism. If you elect to preclude them from any rehabilitation and take the lock them away stance, you must give consideration to the concerns of costs relative to a lifetime of incarceration or execution, the effectiveness of these practices, and the fundamental notions of justice. In either case, be mindful that costs are not always financial. Address the institutional, social, individual, and fiscal costs of your stance.
You are to research your stance and substantiate it through a valid, academic argument with valid information obtained through your research and present this argument in a multimedia, visual presentation. This presentation may be a PowerPoint,

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