Discussion 6: Drafting your Results for Paper 1 No unread replies.No replies. Fo

Discussion 6: Drafting your Results for Paper 1
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For this discussion you will share and receive feedback on the draft of your results section for paper 1. These are YOUR results using the dataset provided for paper 1. You should review our reading, lecture, and your old notes from Statistics 101 (or Math 227) to make sure you choose the correct statistical test for your hypothesis and compute it properly.
Results (1/4 page to 2/3 page depending on the statistical procedure used):
The goals of a results section are to:
Tell your reader how you analyzed the data and
Report the results of those analyses.
If you used software such as Excel or SPSS to analyze your data, you should state that in the beginning of your results paragraph. Then, tell exactly which statistical procedure was used to test the hypothesis (e.g. bivariate correlation, independent samples t-test). Finally, report the results of the test in APA format and state whether those results support the hypothesis.
Do not elaborate on how the results are relevant in the results section of your paper; only tell how you tested the hypothesis and whether it was supported in this section. Do not interpret what the result means or go into further details; save discussion of the meaningfulness of the results for your discussion section. Remember, the titles of the sections dictate overtly what goes in them. The results section tells us only about the results and the discussion section allow us to go into the meaningfulness or utility of the findings.
Be sure to review the instructions for more information and for an example of how to write a results section.  Your results section should be one, clear, direct paragraph.
For this discussion:
Copy-paste a one paragraph draft of your results section
Your results paragraph should be direct and concise. It must reiterate the hypothesis, state the test used, and provide the results in APA format. Most will be 1/4 to 1/2 of a page in length (~100-250 words total).
You are all welcome to collaborate and provide each other feedback. This is especially helpful for those of you who have chosen the same hypotheses. I will provide feedback to each of you on the board.
Here is an example of how to complete your post this week (note: your hypothesis and results MUST include the variable stress whereas my example will not). My post shows how to properly report an independent samples t-test. If you are using a bivariate correlation, you will find an example of the proper format for reporting results in the lecture that tells you how to use the datafile for a research paper. Additional examples are provided in this week’s lecture videos. Pay close attention to how the numbers and symbols are reported in the examples.
Hypothesis: It was hypothesized that those who learned about relationships in sexual education would be more satisfied with their education than those who were not provided information about relationships.
A one-tailed, independent samples t-test was used to test the hypothesis that those who did and did not learn about relationships differed in their mean ratings of satisfaction with sexual education classes. Of the test sample, 34 persons stated that relationships had been included in their sexual education class in high school (referred to as the Information group) and the remaining 66 stated they had not (referred to as the No Information group). The mean satisfaction scores were significantly higher in the Information group (M = 4.10, SD = 0.80) than the No Information group (M = 2.85, SD = 0.72), t(98) = 5.46, p < .05. Thus, the hypothesis was supported.

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