Responded to the post, be respectful in your discussion. Healthy debates are wel

Responded to the post, be respectful in your discussion. Healthy debates are welcomed. Be sure to maintain academic rigor and professionalism at all times.
As I think about the jobs that have all but disappeared just since I was a boy in the 60s several come to mind. For example, when was the last time you heard someone introduce themselves as a data processer? Or a punch card operator? Surely you know someone that is a switchboard operator or cobbler?? I remember thinking that these were jobs that would always be in demand but now they are unheard of. Technology, it seems has made all these jobs obsolete and I’m not sure we as a society are the better for it. For example, I really miss hearing a human answer a phone when I call a business. I can explain what it is I want or who I spoke with earlier and be put through to the right place immediately. Now I get to listen to what seems to be an endless series of voice prompts that never really seem to address my issue.
There are, however, a few jobs that technology will have a difficult time replacing. For example, construction trades…it is hard to imagine a robot installing plumbing or roofing on a house. Actually, I had this conversation with some friend this week and one of them suggested that in order for a robot to plumb a house the very technology of plumbing that we currently use would have to change, which could be happening someday (Wardynski, n.d.). Also, human interactive jobs such as social worker, counsellor, or psychologist would be hard pressed to be performed by a robot I would think.
I believe technological advancement is destroying jobs thereby decreasing the amount of available work for us to do. I would though agree that the nature of our work is changing. Think about what has happened to the server profession since COVID became a factor. People have gotten so used to having their food delivered to them that they have become too lazy or introverted to go to a restaurant to eat. I fail to see any positive progress from these trends. Humans need to work and contribute to feel self-worth and without social interaction and the satisfaction of producing something I worry about where we as a society could end up (Noles, 2021).
Wardynski, D. J. (n.d.). Technology and society: How technology changed our lives. Custom Software Development Denver – Custom Software Consulting. Retrieved September 24, 2021, from
Noles, C. (2021, January 29). How technology is changing the way we live. Innovation & Tech Today. Retrieved September 24, 2021, from

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