In the Apology, Socrates explains that his examination of people’s opinions is b

In the Apology, Socrates explains that his examination of people’s opinions is beneficial to the citizens of Athens. He claims that he is helping them to pursue the most important thing for a human being, namely virtue.
Explain why Socrates has decided to spend all his time examining people’s opinions and their claims to wisdom. What prompted him to start doing this? What aims or reasons does he have for continuing to do it? (Answer according to what he says in the Apology.)
Describe briefly how an examination by Socrates typically proceeds. (Recall the description of Socratic dialogues given in lecture, and/or consider some of the exchanges in the Apology and Meno.)
Give an explanation of why Socrates’s examinations might help a person to pursue virtue. (You can follow the explanation we considered in connection with the Meno, or the one I suggested based on the Phaedo, or you might find something in the Apology. It’s enough to explain one way the examinations might help: you don’t have to explain all the options, or discover the one true explanation.)
Finally, explain why Socrates thinks that virtue is such a big deal. Why is virtue the most important thing for a human being? How does it relate to other things that are good for human beings?

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