Capstone Project 4-2: Use SSH in Ubuntu (lab report) 0. Your name, course sectio

Capstone Project 4-2: Use SSH in Ubuntu (lab report)
0. Your name, course section, and lab partners
1. Title
Title and number of the lab
2. Objective
Compare and contrast remote access methods and security implications.
3. Summary
Discuss the reasons for performing the lab. Why are you doing it? What are you trying to find out? This section should include a brief summary of your understanding on the lab’s topic.
4. Data & Observations:
This section should be divided into two parts:
(1) Observations — Note anything that you see, observe, etc. that is of importance to that particular lab. Include any problems you had and steps you took to correct them.
(2) Data—screenshots of all important steps- especially result screens. These must be properly labeled and in correct order.
5. Discussion and Conclusion:
Write your own detail and brief explanations of the results and observations made during the lab.
6. Questions:
Context: In this project, you will learn to use SSH in Ubuntu. Using the Ubuntu VMs you created in Capstone Projects 2-1 and 3-1, follow these steps to create a SSH connection.
If you’re using VirtualBox, you first need to check the Network settings for this VM. Select the VM, click Settings, and click Network. If necessary, change the Attached to setting to Bridged Adapter. Click OK.
On the Ubuntu Server VM, do the following:
Start the VM and log on. Refer to your LastPass vault if you don’t remember your logon information.
SSH is included in Ubuntu Server but is not installed. Enter this command to install and start SSH: sudo apt-get install ssh (You’ll have to enter your password, and you’ll have to give permission to install the software.)
Enter the command ip address show and write down the IP address of the Ubuntu Server VM. Leave this VM running.
On the Ubuntu Desktop VM, do the following:
Start the VM and log on. Refer to your LastPass vault if you don’t remember your logon information.
Open a shell prompt and enter the command ip address show . Note the IP address of the Ubuntu Desktop VM.
Enter the ssh command with the IP address of the Ubuntu Server VM. For example, if the server IP address is, enter this command:
If your username on the Ubuntu Server machine is not the same as your username on the Ubuntu Desktop machine, you’ll need to add a bit more information to this command to remote into the server. Try this command instead:
Ssh server_username@server_ipaddress
For example, if the server IP address is and the server username is jillwest, you would enter this command:
ssh jillwest@
7. Enter your password on the server to log on to the server using SSH. You now have a SSH session established between the Ubuntu Desktop VM and the Ubuntu Server VM.
8. Enter the dir command. What directory is listed? Recall that you created this directory in Capstone Project 3-1.
9.Enter the ip address show command. Which IP address is displayed in the command output: the Ubuntu Desktop. VM’s address or the Ubuntu Server VM’s address?
10. Take a screenshot of your Ubuntu Desktop VM’s Terminal window showing your commands run on the SSH session with the Ubuntu Server VM; submit this visual with your answers to this project’s questions.
11. When you’re finished using the SSH session, enter the exit command to break the session.
12. For group assignments: Establish a SSH session with another group member’s Ubuntu VM, either their Desk.
VM or their Server VM. The VM’s owner will need to enter their credentials to authenticate the connection. What command did you use to establish the connection? (Note that this should work from a Hyper-V VM to a VirtualBox VM but might not work in reverse.)
13.To shut down each VM, enter the sudo poweroff command in each VM.
14. Add some notes to your Wikidot website about the SSH installation on the Ubuntu Server VM.

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