General Instructions: Your goal for this paper is to create a definition of happ

General Instructions: Your goal for this paper is to create a definition of happiness and then, as do Ciardi and the Dalai Lama, defend that definition using definitive strategies, to include example, synonym, description, comparison (to other words or situations), negation (what the word is not), classification (types of…), etymology (the word’s origin), dictionary definition (quoted and cited), process (how it works), etc. Option 1. What is happiness? Define the term and defend your definition with definitive strategies. For Option 1, you are required to quote/paraphrase and cite a sentence or passage from either Ciardi or the Dalai Lama. Use it as a springboard into further thinking or as evidence to support one of your ideas. Option 2. Do you agree or disagree with Ciardi and why? How does your definition differ? Compare your own specific definition of happiness to John Ciardi’s idea of happiness in his “What is Happiness?” (n.d.). For this option, you will definitely need to summarize, paraphrase, and directly quote and cite the author’s ideas and statements. Option 3. Do you agree or disagree with the Dalai Lama and why? How does your definition differ? Compare your own specific definition of happiness to the Dalai Llama’s idea in his “Art of Happiness.” For this option, you will definitely need to summarize, paraphrase, and directly quote and cite the author’s ideas and statements. Option 4. Compare your definition of happiness to your definition of unhappiness. A personal evaluation of happiness from daily life can fit into this option. For Option 4, you are required to quote/paraphrase and cite a sentence or passage from either Ciardi or the Dalai Lama. Use it as a springboard into further thinking or as evidence to support one of your ideas. Option 5. Compare Ciardi’s ideas with the Dalai Llama’s. Do they agree with each other? Do they disagree? One are the major differences or similarities between them? For this option, you will need to summarize, paraphrase, and directly quote and cite both authors’ ideas and statements.

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