Arts Project Rubric Student Name: _________________________________________ Titl

Arts Project Rubric
Student Name: _________________________________________ Title: _________________________________
*Typed in professional font style/size & double spaced
*One-inch margins
*Title page
If presented as a PowerPoint:
*Title slide
*Enough slides to represent ability
*Follows PowerPoint guidelines (bullets, font size, etc.)
*Uses “extras” (word art, clip art, transitions, backgrounds, etc.)
*Meets all requirements
*Looks professional
For PowerPoint:
*Title slide complete and creative
*Advanced number of slides
*Follows PowerPoint guidelines
*Student uses more than 3 of the “extras”
*Meets 3 requirements
For PowerPoint:
*Title slide present and complete
*Adequate number of slides
*Follows most PowerPoint guidelines
*Uses at least 2-3 of the “extras”
*Meets 1-2 requirements
*Partially legible
For PowerPoint:
*Title slide present but incomplete
*Not quite adequate number of slides
*Follows some PowerPoint guidelines
*Uses one of the “extras”
*Does not meet requirements
*No title page
For PowerPoint:
*No title slide
*Does not use “extras”
*Inadequate number of slides
*Follows few or no PowerPoint guidelines
*Presents a minimum of 3 examples of artist’s work
*Artwork is representative of artist
*Submits 4 or more examples of artist’s work
*Examples representative of all aspects of artist’s work
*Submits 3 examples of artist’s work
*Examples representative of artist
*Submits 1-2 examples of artist’s work
*Examples may not be representative of artist
*Does not submit examples of artist’s work
*Student articulates purpose/ process/elements/principles/ materials used in artist’s work
*Student can discuss all listed factors
Answers are complete and show an in-depth understanding
*Student can discuss 3 of the listed categories
*Most answers are complete
*Student can discuss 1-2 of the listed factors
*Answers are incomplete
*Student cannot discuss any of these factors
Student can describe/evaluate genre used in relationship to culture/history of period when the art was created
*Student describes all parts of artwork in relationship to culture/history; shows in-depth understanding
*Student describes some parts of artwork in relationship to culture/history
*Student incompletely/ unclearly describes meaning of artwork in relationship to culture/ history
*Student cannot describe meaning of artwork in relationship to culture/ history
*Presentation is free of grammatical and spelling errors
*Correct sentence structure where applicable
*Relatively no grammatical &/or spelling errors
*Errors do not impede understanding
*Sophisticated word choice/ structure
*Few grammatical &/or spelling errors
*Errors occasionally impede understanding
*Appropriate word choice/ structure
*Many grammatical and/or spelling errors
*Errors impede understanding
*Immature word choice/structure
*Excessive grammatical and/or spelling errors
*Errors prevent understanding
*Reference page/slide with minimum of 3 sources
*Student uses own words
*Correct format used if quotations are included
*Reference page is complete and entries are in correct format
*More than 3 quality sources
*Student uses own words
*Correct format for quotations used.
*Reference page is complete but some entries may have incorrect format
*3 sources used
*Student uses own words
*Correct format for quotations used.
*Reference page is incomplete/incorrect
*Fewer than 3 sources
*Student uses own words
*Correct format for quotations not used.
*No Reference page/slide
*Work is plagiarized
Score: __________________ (Student’s scores must average at least 2 to be proficient)
Facilitator’s Signature: _________________________ Date: _____________
Colorado Model Content Standard for Visual Arts—Standards 1 (Observe and Learn to Comprehend) and 2 (Envision and Critique to reflect)—for High School Students:
Standard 1, Mastery 1: Historical and cultural context are found in visual art [Evidence outcomes: a, e]
Standard 1, Mastery 2: Art and design have a purpose and function [Evidence outcomes: a, c]
Standard 2, Mastery 1: Reflective strategies are used to understand the creative process [Evidence outcomes: a, b, c, d, e]
Standard 2, Mastery 2: A personal philosophy of art is accomplished through use of sophisticated language and studio art processes [Evidence outcome: c]
Standard 2, Mastery 3: Interpretation is a means for understanding and evaluating works of art [Evidence outcomes: b, d]

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