The purpose of this assignment is for you to make practical use of the primary d

The purpose of this assignment is for you to make practical use of the primary document analysis skills you are learning in class this semester. You will watch and analyze a series of documentary films and write a formal essay that answers the questions I have provided to you. Follow all directions carefully. These documents deal with the Vietnam War. Some of the films contain graphic content, and notices are provided on those sets. If you are uncomfortable with graphic content, choose a set that does not have a warning attached.
Watch two of the film sets required (there are six sets to choose from). Analyze the experiences the individuals shared in the films. Then, using the questions provided at the end of the presentation, write an essay in which you answer the questions and offer your assessment of their experiences in the context of the time. Create a thesis statement in which you state what you might have chosen to do at the time and why.
Use these questions to guide your analysis and help you form your thesis statement:
Who was included in the film sets you chose? Why did these individuals choose to serve or why not? Why did the civilians choose to support the war or not? What motivated them?
What do the films reveal about life in the United States during this period?
In what historical context did these events happen?
How are their perspectives different? In what ways are they similar?
What groups were these individuals associated with (or organize)? What did they believe in, and how did their experiences change them?
Each veteran saw the war in a different way. In what ways do you think they found the war necessary or unnecessary? If you chose a film that included civilians, apply this same question to them.
What experiences did you see among civilians?
In what ways did civilians react to the war or the situation that the war placed them in?
What struck you as most interesting or significant about each experience?
Watch each film set and consider the accompanying questions. Since you might be unfamiliar with this conflict, you will need to read about it in the textbook and you may also need to investigate the events further. Consider the personal perspectives of these individuals and what as conveyed in their words.
Do NOT simply list answers to the above questions; use them to guide your analysis and help you form your argument. In your thesis, you must clearly state what you might have chosen to do and provide three reasons that support your choice. You must consider the ethical realities and real consequences people faced because of the choices they made. You must choose your position without consideration of what you know happened later; you must only use what you might have known as someone living at the time of these events.
Your paper should be in essay format, with an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. While it is not necessary for you to address the questions in order, you must answer most (six or more) of them throughout your essay. If you did not choose a set of films that deal with civilian experience, you will not need to answer the questions about the civilian experience.
You must provide historical context for the analysis. You can use your textbook and/or reputable, scholarly internet sites (NOT Wikipedia or any encyclopedias) for this. However, you must cite the sources that you use. You will use MLA format to cite sources. Remember that failure to cite information that is not yours is plagiarism, so be sure cite everything you use. If you need help with MLA citation, access the library’s help page via Blackboard or visit the Writer’s Corner.
The paper must be a minimum of 650 words (no more than 800 words), double spaced, with 12-point font. Format, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are important in communicating your viewpoints professionally and I do grade these. (See rubric for detailed grading scheme). **Note: works cited page and heading are NOT part of the word count.

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