Final Project- Project Proposal<
Project: Media Relations Plan<

Final Project- Project Proposal<
Project: Media Relations Plan<
Your group, working as a team, will locate a client organization that needs publicity for a special event, program, or new venture. You are strongly encouraged to choose a local organization with limited resources who you actually may be able to collaborate with on this project. Large organizations already have PR teams that they work with. You should obtain the client’s permission to develop the publicity campaign and confer with the client regularly to evaluate their needs and assess your progress. From the beginning of this project, become very familiar with your client.<
This Connected Learning project will be submitted in phases. Apply what you are learning in the classroom to each phase:<
Publicity Plan<
Press Kit 1<
Press Kit 2<
Only one student in each group needs to post/upload the assignments although all group members are responsible for making sure this happens.<
1. Proposal<
For the proposal, submit the following:<
Identify your group members. <
Describe the client. Include the organization’s name, its location, its mission, and the nature of its services and/or products. <
Confirm you have established contact with the client. Clarify if you have a personal connection to the client (it is okay if you do).<
Describe the event, program, or venture you are publicizing.<
Newsworthiness: Has this or similar events by other organizations received media coverage in the past? If so, elaborate on the type and quantity of coverage. Based on the newsworthiness criteria, articulate why you think this event, program, venture is newsworthy.<
I attach the File and my part focus on # 4:Describe the event, program or venture you are publicizing (EN) ***** Please focus on this one only, the yellow highlight thank you********

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