So many times we hear ads and other media tell us the number of combinations and

So many times we hear ads and other media tell us the number of combinations and choices available. The number is HUGE, so we are reasonably certain they didn’t actually make a list. One ad that comes to mind is Sonic Drive-In (U.S.). They provide different flavorings that you can put in your soft drinks to make things like Vanilla Dr. Pepper. Devise a small problem where you might want to find the number of possibilities. Keep the choices small so that if you used this in your class, you could also list the possibilities to verify. For example, if you use the Sonic drinks you might want to only allow Coke, Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper with one choice of vanilla, cherry, or chocolate. 3 x 3 = 9 combinations. Please be elaborate and not too brief.

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