Chapter 7 Reproduction and Sexuality Instruction: So far, this week has covered

Chapter 7 Reproduction and Sexuality
So far, this week has covered Reproduction & Sexuality & Art & the Body.These chapters have distinct artistic ideas, styles, social & historical developments that involve visual art.With each image, explain 1 development, idea, or event that you feel had the greatest impact on the art production of that image.Please make sure to also include the importance of each image (subject & meaning) & the medium.
Sources: the textbook, the Instructor PDF files & the Khan Academy (the only outside accepted digital source). This means that if you quote a passage from the textbook, it MUST be cited. This goes for the instructor’s PDF files. How to Avoid Plagiarism…
Remember, your post is in your own words. DO NOT copy the information, word for word, from the textbook or the Instructor PDF files. If you do this, you will receive a ZERO for this Assignment. In addition, if you look up information on the Khan Academy, you must also rewrite it in your own words. Do not Google your answer. For help with citing, please refer to the Syllabus.
>The 3 images that you are explaining are in the files.
*Image 1 – Venus of Willendorf, Austria, c. 25,000 – 20,000 BCE, stone
*Image 2 – Manet, Olympia, France, 1863, oil on canvas
*Image 3 – Michelangelo, David, Italy, 1501-04, marble
>This is the link for the pdf file of the book. Click “Get” to download.
>Instructor’s PDFs files are in the files.

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