As a reflective practitioner, it is important to glean from others in the field and learn from their
experience. For the Interview Assignment, you will be interviewing a current public or private
school teacher, homeschool teacher, retired teacher, or pre-school teacher. The assignment will
allow you to select a teacher that you would like to interview and consider the questions you
would like to ask so you can learn more about the field of education.
The Interview Assignment will be completed in the Interview Assignment Template in two parts:
1. You will complete Part 1 by
a. Selecting an interviewee that is a current public or private school teacher,
homeschool teacher, retired teacher, or pre-school teacher and providing the
details of the interview – who, where, grade level, position, and when. Confirm an
appointment date and time with the teacher.
b. Constructing 5 open-ended questions to ask in an interview. These questions will
be added to the 5 questions provided in the Template so you will have a total of
10 questions to use for the interview. Create questions that will invoke a detailed
response. You may not use questions that simply require a yes or no answer. Hint:
Use your textbook content in Chapters 5 and 6 as a guide to help you create your
Interviewee Selection: It is your responsibility to reach out to an individual who fits the
above qualifications to schedule and complete the interview. This assignment seeks that you
reach out to an acquaintance, friend, or family member. If you cannot find an individual who
meets the qualities listed, contact your instructor for assistance in finding an interviewee.
Please do not cold call a school or school system and ask to interview a teacher for this
Important Information Regarding School Districts — Do not contact without approval
from your EDUC 200 Instructor. Assignments within EDUC 200 do not require
students to contact school districts. This assignment seeks that you reach out to an
individual personally, not formally through a school system.
Due to strict guidelines provided to Liberty University by the school districts we work with,
it is imperative that you review this information regarding school districts. A number of the
school districts that work with Liberty University request that students do not contact them
directly, but that the university initiates contact. This resource will be used in future courses,
but not in EDUC 200. Review the Requesting Procedures for Field Experiences under
Interview Planning Assignment Resources.
Do not directly contact any school districts listed on this website. You are free to reach out to
any schools/districts that are not listed on the website with approval from your instructor
if you are unable to secure an interview with an acquaintance, friend, or family

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