This essay will discuss mental illnesses and stress at work through the sociological perspective of social constructionism and structural functionalism.

The essay is a group assignment with each member responsible for one section of the essay. I am responsible for writing about P.T.S.D. HERE IS THE OVERALL TOPIC WE ARE WRITING ABOUT;
Mental Illnesses and Stress at Work
This essay will discuss mental illnesses and stress at work through the sociological perspective of social constructionism and structural functionalism. The essay will delve into topics of addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, burnout within the workplace, affordability, and organizational stress and how these topics affect those within the workforce. Further, this essay will attempt to explain who exactly suffers from mental health illnesses and stresses at work and the impact it has on society. Lastly this essay will consider employee assistance programs, how a multifaceted approach between the mental health system and addiction agencies that may serve as a solution to assist and treat those affected by illnesses related to mental health and addictions.

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