
  • Final Draft (4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced.) Final draft uploaded to Turnitin. 


From The Harbrace Guide to Writing: Memoirs are a kind of writing used to narrate and analyze significant experiences in our lives.  Food-related memoirspresent past experiences with food that resonate with a larger historical, psychological or social meaning.(Glenn 91).

 Writing Situation:  Your audience is this classyour fellow students and instructor (me).  The genre is memoir. Your available means is an essay.  Think carefully about the rhetorical opportunity or exigence in many cases the rhetorical opportunity for memoir is to provoke readers to think about their own lives in specific ways.



Write a narrative essay which reflects* on an experience with food to explore the significance of special event and/or relationship(s) in your life.   The keys to this assignment are to keep in mind narrative essay (a story from your life) and significant.  Significant doesnt mean life changing or the biggest thing that ever happened to you, but it does mean something more than simply memorable.   Writing a memoir connect to food makes this easier because food and eating are so central to our culture.

*A reflective essay by nature means you have had time to consider how the experience is significant in your life.   Therefore, its unlikely that writing about a recent experience would result in a successful essay.

Be sure to watch the videos about writing memoir and choosing a topic!  And, of course, feel free to check in with me for help finding a topic. 

Your purpose should be implied, not directly stated.  We should get what you mean not through your telling us, but because you have brought your experience and thinking so vividly to life.

Major 305 Learning Goals addressed by this assignment

  • Apply rhetorical principles appropriate to different purposes and goals, within specific disciplinary, professional and civic communities.
  • Adapt and employ conventions to communicate with diverse audiences who are members of or affected by a specific area or discipline.
  • Compose a variety of texts, working individually and collaboratively, through processes of drafting, critiquing, reflecting, and editing.
  • *I attached an example essay “Pineapple Tarts” for reference*
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