I need to write paragraph for each option • Three days exam, on the first day,

I need to write paragraph for each option
• Three days exam, on the first day, the exam questions will cover the early childhood field. The second day will be related to my cognate area, focusing on the technology for early childhood. Finally, the third day will be related to my research method
• literature review option. In this option, I’m thinking of doing a systematic literature review about parents’ mediation to educate their children about online safety. Also, I’m thinking of doing a systematic literature review about A Day in the Life method, mainly how this framework can be applied in the early childhood field.
• In a pilot study, I intend to use day in a life method to have an in-depth understanding of the research participants. A study like parental mediation in young children using the day in Life method provides a more conceptual than a methodological instance to prove a more thoughtful and operationalized guide.
I need to explain more in each section and I do not need reference

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