this paper focuses in e-government to customer and the authentic and constructiv

this paper focuses in e-government to customer and the authentic and constructive engagement. the research will address the barriers of using e-government by the Saudi residents, and how it is different from somewhere else. the issue in this project is security ” personal information”. in this document you will see a table and other section that I added.
” I’m trying to study as PhD thesis the title above, and because of that this research needs to be unique, and has a clear contribution methodological, and theatrical. also, should have a clear Project background and motivation, Knowledge gap or problem statement, and Aim and objectives. I have the entire document if you need it and I will send you the brief document which have most of the information.
The research questions and research Objectives can be revised later on, now we need to answer the below:
background and motivation, Knowledge gap or problem statement, and Aim and objectives, clear contribution methodological, and theatrical.
there are two PhD research regarding egovernment , but non talks about the security part(personal Information) and the residents autistic and constructive engagement with egovernment systems.
you will see my supervisors comments.
please be aware that I use Australian spelling, and IEEE number style for references.

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