For your reference, please read attached chapters 1 and 2 of “Remote Sensing Bas

For your reference, please read attached chapters 1 and 2 of “Remote Sensing Basics” by Khorram.
For the discussion questions, please comment on the following YouTube video and the attached science article per the Syllabus.
Landsat and the GEE:
“High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change”, Science.
here are some potential questions related to the content of the video:
How does Landsat satellite imagery contribute to monitoring and understanding changes in Earth’s surface over time?
What are some specific applications of Landsat data within the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform?
In what ways does the integration of Landsat imagery with GEE enhance the analysis of environmental changes and their impacts?
Can you identify any challenges or limitations associated with using Landsat data and GEE for remote sensing and geospatial analysis?
How might the accessibility of Landsat data through platforms like GEE facilitate research and decision-making in various fields such as environmental science, agriculture, and urban planning?
Here are some potential discussion questions related to the content of the article:
What are the key findings of the study regarding global forest cover change in the 21st century?
How were high-resolution mapping techniques used to create global maps of forest cover change, and what were the methodological challenges involved?
What are the implications of the observed forest cover changes for biodiversity, climate change, and ecosystem services?
How does the research contribute to our understanding of human impacts on forest ecosystems and the effectiveness of conservation efforts?
What are some potential applications of the high-resolution global maps of forest cover change in environmental management and policy-making?

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