Imagine that you have been asked to contribute to an online encyclopedia article

Imagine that you have been asked to contribute to an online encyclopedia article about the Jesus movement/early Christianity. The editor has broken up the article into various segments. Your segment is meant to describe the Jesus movement/early Christianity from the time of the historical Jesus up through the end of persecution under Constantine. The editor wants you to focus the majority of your essay on the New Testament literature, to make a few remarks about the literature of the second and third century (e.g., apocryphal gospels and acts), and provide some history about some directions that early Christianity took during that time (e.g., asceticism, monasticism).
The length that you have been assigned is 8-10 pages (double-spaced).
However, you should also use (and cite) Duff, JFRE, Carter & Levine, NTMM, and any other relevant readings from the semester (you may use MLA, Chicago, APA, or any other citation method as long as you are consistent).
Comments from Customer
The book is called “Jesus Followers in the Roman Empire” by Duff Jfre

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