Take a look at this scenario where a potential risk management issue is explored

Take a look at this scenario where a potential risk management issue is explored. Watch the segment and prepare to respond to what you observe. Use the video transcript
How was my week? Same. It’s always the same. I do my job. I come home. I turn on the TV for a while. I mostly watch lawyer shows, cop shows. They’re formula, but I guess I like the formula. It’s like life. It’s pretty much the same thing over and over again. I don’t have a favorite. They’re all OK.
Interests? You mean like a hobby? No. I’m not really good at anything. By the time I get home, I’m not really looking for something to do. I gotta make dinner. I got to keep my place clean-ish. I’m not perfect. The laundry doesn’t always get to the hamper or whatever. But it’s not a pigsty. It’s fine, but it’s time consuming.
I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to anybody in the family in a while. I don’t have anything against them or anything. It’s just my dad passed away a few years ago. My mom and I, we just never got along. I do have a sister. She and her husband are really successful. They don’t want to think about me. I don’t blame them. I don’t want to think about me.
Do I get lonely? Not really. I feel like if I had someone in my life, I’d bore them to death or something. Like what would we have to talk about? You and I just started talking five minutes ago, and I can barely think of anything to say to you. What would it be like if I lived with someone, and I had to talk to them every day?
Sure, I like the drink. It’s not a problem. Two or three beers few nights a week. No, it’s not bad. It’s fine. I have my own place. I pay my bills. And I can put food in the fridge. I don’t take those things for granted. I think I’m emotionally OK,
I came to the clinic because of a cough and a weird rash I’ve had past few weeks. I didn’t come here for attention or anything like that. Last thing I want is for anyone to bring attention on me. Don’t waste any time on me.
What am I looking forward to? Gee, I never thought about that. I don’t have a bucket list or anything like that if that’s what you mean. Seems pointless to plan too far ahead. Way I see it, one day you’re here. Next day, you’re not.
What, hurt myself? I don’t want to talk about that. I came here about the rash. Can we talk about the rash? Do you have the tests back? Is there an ointment I can get or something? Promise not to hurt myself? No, I’m not much on promises. I always end up breaking them. What’s the point? I’m sorry. I gotta go now.
Please respond in detail to the following questions about the video:
What are the observable facts in the situation?
What additional information would you want to have in order to assess the situation, and why?
What potential risks do you see in the situation?
What actions might you need to take to ensure the safety of everyone involved?

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