Instructions: Update your Week Once Submission, to include a Week 3 Log. Search

Update your Week Once Submission, to include a Week 3 Log. Search market and industry news for relevant and up to date information that may impact the valuation, operation, or industry of the company you are monitoring.
Each week students will provide an update of a Preapproved company stock valuation and briefly document relevant and major news in the market that may have impacted the stock price or the industry.
This will be a running submission so each week should be headlined, and all news should be current, dated, and summarized for relevance. In the event no specific global market news is available, a general update of what is going on in the market will be acceptable.
The goal is to understand what indicators may cause the selected companies valuation to move, whether positive or negative
Title Page | Week 3 Update (Follow the below formatting document. This will be a running document, that is to be updated each week)
Only week 1, 2 and week 2 assessments should be included in this submission
Market Assessment Document Formatting-2.pdf Download Market Assessment Document Formatting-2.pdf
12 point, Times New Roman. Double Spaced Responses. APA formatted works cited
Each Submission must exceed four (4) full sentences with five (5) sentences or more
Do not include erroneous text from formatting document
**Please note: Late submissions will receive a 20 point deduction**
Learning Objective (CO1): Understand the nature of the global economy and the key forces that drive globalization.
Learning Objective (CO5): Know the various issues, opportunities, and problems related to conducting business in today’s dynamic global economy.

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