Complete the strength of evidence table for the three articles you found and re

Complete the strength of evidence table for the three articles you found and reported on in Homework Assignment #2.
2. Post your paper in Word *.doc or *.docx format to the assignment drop box in Moodle by the Due Date. Remember to follow APA formatting for all citations and for your reference list
Library Search: Preventing Post Operatives Complications in Cardiac Patients
Course: NURS 330
Date: 3/12/2023
Description of WHY mentioned resources were selected
Assouline, B., Cools, E., Schorer, R., Kayser, B., Elia, N., & Licker, M. (2021). Preoperative exercise training to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications in adults undergoing major surgery. A systematic review and meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 18(4), 678-688.
The article was published not longer than five years ago. The authors have covered a broad view of the topic as it reflects on the preoperative exercise training to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications in adults undergoing major surgery. The article covers a specified rationale, objectives, methods, and a presentation of the collected data, along with discussions.
The article selected is driven by an objective to examine the effect of preoperative exercise training on the risks of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications across different surgical settings. The article’s objective is guided by the rationale adopted by the participating authors in their projection of how poor preoperative physical fitness and respiratory muscle weakness may contribute to PPCs which may have a greater impact on patients’ conditions and even threaten their lives.
Technical quality
The article took on evidence from multiple reliable resources, such as relevant data points about the occurrence of PPCs. Randomized control trials were also included in the study. The article has a logical flow in that one can follow the steps taken and replicate them if needed. This, therefore, opens up the study to critics as the authors made sure to include all steps taken in the study.
Yang, S. S., Wang, N. N., Postonogova, T., Yang, G. J., McGillion, M., Beique, F., & Schricker, T. (2020). Intravenous lidocaine to prevent postoperative airway complications in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 124(3), 314-323.
The article was selected as it was published not more than five years ago. The article is available for public access and viewership. The article has been developed to cover a scenario described as a common cause of postoperative airway complications in patients undergoing major surgery. The described scenario is about the events that may occur during extubation. The article is outlined with a background and methods section and has the results shown and discussed in its content.
The article provides a study background that captures potentially dangerous complications that could occur during extubation, as surgical patients may involuntarily cough. The study’s objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of i.v. Lidocaine administration during the perioperative period to prevent coughing and other airway-related complications.
Technical quality
The study was conducted through the search for several reliable resources. A controlled trial was also conducted to help with the study’s findings. The article follows a logical progression in that the steps can be repeated and replicated if necessary. Since the authors were sure to include every step taken during the trial, this leaves the work open to criticism.
Lagier, D., Fischer, F., Fornier, W., Huynh, T. M., Cholley, B., Guinard, B., … & PROVECS Study Group. (2019). Effect of open-lung vs. conventional perioperative ventilation strategies on postoperative pulmonary complications after on-pump cardiac surgery: the PROVECS randomized clinical trial. Intensive care medicine, 45, 1401-1412.
The article was chosen since it was published less than five years ago. The article is open to the public for reading and viewing. The article presents the exploration of effects brought about by the consideration of open-lung and convectional perioperative ventilation strategies. The effects of the mentioned ventilation strategies for the occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications after on-pump cardiac surgery are discussed in the article.
The article provides a purpose statement and methods and includes results from the randomized trial. The study was undertaken to help the authors establish whether a perioperative open-lung ventilation strategy would help to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications after elective on-pump cardiac surgery.
Technical quality
The study on the topic discerned its direction by setting up a pragmatic, randomized, multicenter, controlled trial. The article captures that the patients scheduled for on-pump cardiac surgery had a ventilation strategy chosen for them. The results of the trials are well presented in the article and can follow up on the steps undertaken in curating the collected data. The findings are also discussed at length to benefit the reader interacting with the article.

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