thats my discussion response. part 1 is the discussion questions. ive done that

thats my discussion response.
part 1 is the discussion
questions. ive done that . part 2 is the actual paper
Part I
Maria Sanchez, her husband, and their three children had lived in their apartment building for about 2 years when they noticed a new person moving in on the floor below them. New families moved in from time to time, but this person didn’t have a family and kept to herself. After asking around, Maria learned from a neighbor downstairs that the new person’s name was Lynn and that she was not currently employed but hoped to find work soon, perhaps as a cashier or a custodian. Maria is annoyed that Lynn keeps her television on late into the night. She has been meaning to say something about it, but so far Lynn keeps to herself and Maria hasn’t found her very friendly–Lynn tends to look away without saying anything when Maria passes her in the hallway. Maria also learned that Lynn was recovering from a recent bout of mental illness and that she was anxious about the demands of living independently once again.
Maria noticed that every few days a regular visitor arrived at the building in a van from the mental health center to spend an hour or so with Lynn in her apartment. Maria worries that people who see the mental health center van might think those in the van were visiting Maria’s family. She knew that people with mental illness needed to live somewhere, but why did it have to be in her building? Would other recovering mental patients rent the next vacant apartment in her building? Would people begin loitering in front of the building or behaving strangely? Would Maria’s children be safe? Would the reputation of their neighborhood begin to decline? Another resident wants to have a town hall meeting about this “new resident.”
Discuss the following questions posting and reply to at least two of your peers. Use at least 3 website sources to support your answers. Reference your sources within the discussion and the written paper by the author only in parentheses. Then list a full bibliography at the end of your post ad paper.
What do you feel a representative from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) would say about the proposed meeting regarding the “new resident?” Would you plan to attend the meeting? Support your decision.
What federal laws could bear in this scenario? Choose at least three.
What practical ways can all of us stop the “stigma” surrounding mental illness?
Any personal experiences you would like to share that could impact the discussion of this scenario?
Part II
****Following the discussion, write a 1-2 page paper addressing 3-4 key lessons you learned or gained from the discussion or your own research.
Use at least 3 website sources to support your thoughts. This paper is NOT to be a repeat of your personal post but rather an extension of that with
additiona research.
Bibliography and referencing sources within your paper per APA style.
What do you feel a representative from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) would say about the proposed meeting regarding the “new resident?” Would you plan to attend the meeting? Support your decision?
I feel that a NAMI representative would be pretty put off by this. I wouldn’t attend this meeting. I feel that it is unnecessary and could be received as disrespectful. Coming from one that suffers from mental illness and has a family history of it, I feel that if Lynn were to find out about this “meeting”, it definitely would not help her situation but possibly worsen it.
2. What federal laws could bear in this scenario? Choose at least three.
HIPPA- should someone approach the NAMI rep about Lynn, the rep cannot give any details about why she is there or the severity of Lynn’s condition. If the rep does so, he/she would be violating HIPPA laws.
Those with mental health problems are still human. They have the right to live wherever they want, attend any school they want, etc. Discrimination against these people often occurs in the education setting, employment opportunities and housing. Laws that may be violated here would be the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Rehabilitation Act, Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), and important Supreme Court cases like Olmstead vs. L.C. (Mental Health Rights)
3. What practical ways can all of us stop the “stigma” surrounding mental illness?
I think we need to do a better job about educating the public on mental health. Not all individuals suffering from mental illness need to be sent to a facility. Many of them actually are high functioning in society. Be more inclusive and understanding of those around you. We do not know what goes on behind closed doors- be nice and smile at people! The Mayo Clinic says, “Others’ judgments almost always stem from a lack of understanding rather than information based on facts. Learning to accept your condition and recognize what you need to do to treat it. seeking support. and helping
educate others can make a big difference.”
4. Any personal experiences you would like to share that could impact the discussion of this scenario?

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