In 1968, Garrett Harden described a situation where users of an open access reso

In 1968, Garrett Harden described a situation where users of an open access resource, also called a common resource, will inevitably deplete the resource through their uncoordinated exploitation of that resource. Harden termed this concept “The Tragedy of the Commons” and this concept has been used to explain phenomenon in the fields of economics, politics, sociology, evolutionary biology ,anthropology, and environmental science. In 1990, Elinor Ostrom challenged Hardin’s assertion that tragedy was inevitable when users exploited a common resource, which she redefined as a Common Pool Resource for CPR.
Write a 4-5 page term paper discussing the American fur industry in the light of Hardin’s and Ostrom’s models. Specifically, you should seek to determine if the fur industry in America fits either model. If the fur industry aligns with Hardin’s tragedy of the commons what would we need to do to sustainably exploit the fur resources? If the fur industry aligns with Ostrom‘s common pool resource, what would we need to guard against to ensure that the industry doesn’t slide into tragedy? Finally, based on your exploration of this issue what does the future hold for the fur industry in America?

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