A Global Perspective In our world today it is a challenge to think globally and

A Global Perspective
In our world today it is a challenge to think globally and not just about our own family, state, or country. We live in a world with many wars raging and much violence happening. Because of this there are many people who have been dislocated, torn away from their homes and loved ones.
Many people have become disillusioned with the world as it is. When individuals work hard but do not see anything changing they often lose hope. Some people get angry and turn to violence, often in the form of terrorism. However, there are at least 2 sides to every story and as has often been said, “One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.” As students of sociology we strive to be objective and see things from another person’s (or nation) perspective. This is what your essay will be about.
Questions to ponder:
Does this article make you question some of your own stereotypes about terrorists? Does it help you see how individuals can be manipulated into doing violent acts against others? Psychology certainly plays a big role as well as sociology. It is a combination of factors that create the environment for terrorists. As it asks in the article above, how do you think we can help eliminate the process of radicalization that turns people into terrorists?
If you could change anything about the society (or the world) in which we live today, what would it be? Why? What can you do to help bring about this change?
Minimum of 200 words.

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